barking mad!

By mcd3

You rang??

Now - read on line about a photo comp to take photos giving a "unique perspective' of the Bell Tower down by the Swan River. (It houses 12 bells from St Martin-in-the-Fields that Perth got as a wee pressie in 1988) Checked out the comp details and realised that you got free entry to have a wee look round to take your photos. Free? that'll do me!!

So headed into the city with Mr McD and daughter McD (a very rare - but muchly appreciated ocurrance!) Not very good with heights is moi (slight understatement!) so the open stairs up the five flights to the viewing deck were not a highlight of my visit! Even less of a highlight was the steel walkway with a 360 degree view! But I did walk round it - aledgedly - didn't look down and couldn't loosen my grip on the railing to take a shot! Daughter McD was not much better (must hav got it from me as Mr McD would have climbed right to the top! he's a roofer!)

On the way down (my favourite part) wandered in during a bell ringing practice. We were grabbed by a very enthusiastic bell ringing lady who made a us all have a wee go - you could even see the actual bell ringing on a video screen in front of you!!

The shot is taken from the stupid observation deck and is not a "unique perspective" but its quite nice, shows the height, although not the 5 flights of hell that I endured to get to that point!

Needed a wee refreshment to steady my nerves, luckily the Lucky Shag is right next door - a pint and nachos did the trick!

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