
By Yeda


Moving On

The Pink tatted lace of your memories -
With a backdropp of days of yore -
Gone are the moments
Of Silken splendour -
Gone are the hours of MORE.

When every morn' 'twas a sweet surrender -
And into your arms, sweet keep -

Drawn into your baby blue windows -
Taking me, in, so deep -

Priviledged, i was in my Pink -
The Lace and the Silk, I still wear -
But added, to all that was once, only for you -
Is a Pink Satin bow, for my hair -

It is a sign to you, I am moving on -
Letting go, of a silly, silly dream -
Fully awake and apprised of reality -
In the Pink, I can now, see everything.

~Theodora SteinbrueckOnken

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