
By Kaysha

Child's Play

A rather productive day today with the kids packed off to nursery - not without a few tears mind you. The kids, not me.

Phone calls made, emails sent, filing completed, house sparkling, shopping done and food made. All this despite only having the dreaded VAT return and year end accounts on my to do list today (and not done, I might add). Who said procrastination was a bad thing?

Our dear friends Af, E and P gave the kids a wee pressie on our departure from their house yesterday. Slinkies. Both kids were delighted with them, so much so that A took hers to nursery today to show her friends. D's was still at home so thought I'd have some fun with it myself. Embrace your inner child!

What walks down stairs, alone or in pairs, and makes a slinkity sound?
A spring, a spring, a marvelous thing! Everyone knows it's Slinky.
It's Slinky, it's Slinky. For fun it's a wonderful toy.
It's Slinky, it's Slinky. It's fun for a girl or a boy.
It's fun for a girl or boy!

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