Saltspring pictures

By Ernie

Swedish Lingonberry jam

This is a can of genuine Lingonberry jam, Swedish style. Although in fact made in Austria. The ingredients are almost right: wild lingonberries and sugar. Nothing more should be added, but water. But you know the food industry. So Darbo have added lemon juice and fruit pectin. Still, this is very good, and the best we can find here on Saltspring. And the content of berries is greater than the content of sugar, which is a quality sign.

The taste and look is a bit similar to cranberry sauce (the real stuff, with cranberries in it).

Lingonberry jam plays an important role in traditional Swedish cuisine. It is an almost mandatory side dish to meatballs or pancakes. (Swedish pancakes are quite different from American pancakes, thinner and more lik crepe).

Our local store use to take in a batch in October every year, and we buy at least 30 cans, so that we have it all year round, until the next batch arrives.

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