Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Alcatraz Arrived

Backblipped on 18th April 2012

And so, the only rat cage I've ever bought new arrived today! I've called it Alcatraz, although it's actually called a Hamberley Parrot Cage or some such! Following the girls' escape from their cage last week, I made the decision that I'd have to get them something that had all metal surrounding it. I looked on ebay, but the only thing suitable went so high in price that the petrol to collect it would have made it more expensive than this monster - which, fortunately, was (a) on sale and (b) came from a store where I have a discount card!!!

All I needed to do now was build the thing!

And find somewhere to put it!

The GOOD news about having to buy a large metal cage is that it means I can have more girl ratties! Hurrah! :-)

The other thing that's worth mentioning, for the record, is that I was, at this stage, having problems with my hearing. My right ear was feeling really peculiar and not working properly. I kept trying to "pop" it, but to no avail. It was getting really annoying, and using the phone was becoming something of a trial!

Future blips will finish off the story of the ear!!!

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