Two D's make an M

As I woke this morning, this ditty was running in a loop round my brain (with apologies to the Proclaimers):

When I wake up, I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the girl who posts a blip next to you.
When I go out, yeah, I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the girl who blips along with you

But I would blip 500 times
And I would blip 500 more
Just to be the girl who posts 1000 blips
And arrives here at this score.

Finally I get a new coloured camera for my persistence on the Blipfoto front.

I have arrived with what his Lordship would call a total obsessive compulsion, whether a disorder or not, at 1000 blips.

I have made new friends both actual and virtual made along the way, and am the proud owner of beautifully bound journals of my life over the last 2 +years which I fondly hope my grandchildren and great grandchildren will find interesting even if their parents are known to yawn when forced to look inside the covers.

Needless to say there is a big thank you to all at Blip central for providing me with a means of recording the minutiae of my life for posterity, and to all of you, who faithfully look and comment on my journal.
I can only hope there is WiFi in that old folks home when the time comes.

The fact that his Lordship is very often an arbiter on which blip to chose, cannot pass without comment - so a thank you to him too.

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