Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

"Fair is foul and foul is fair"

Last night's production of Macbeth was BRILLIANT. If any of you get a chance to catch the Mull Theatre's production on tour - don't miss it! I was so pleased that a fair amount of kids were there, too. Of course, they were very impressed by the blood and gore.

I have to admit that the beheading was very realistic.... my friends and I thought that we would try and persuade some of the men on the staff to let us experiment on them to see if we could do as good a job.

No volunteers. Funny that.

Despite the dull day, the sun did made its somehow regular appearance on the way home, and the clouds provided the most fantastic contrasts in the sky and the sea.

I do like the threatening type of sky as opposed to the happy blue - if that is not an oxymoron; I had to look that up, by the way. I just hope I got it right.

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