
Upon our recent acquisition of a functional DAB radio to replace its semi-functional predecessor we spotted a channel apparently devoted to Birdsong. Although a pleasing sound in certain situations (such as when fully awake on weekend mornings) it has the potential to be slightly jarring and unpleasantly screechy if it were unfortunately set as the wake-up station on a radio alarm-clock. More suitable would be the sound interspersed with birdsong audible from the nearby woodland this morning in which the intermittent screechings of various forms of corvid were soothed by the deep and echoing mooings of cowstuffs. There's something very relaxing about the sound of cows; even when vexed and nervous they sound lethargically unconcerned with the world though I've never really heard them in situations of extreme bovine distress such as the moments leading up to becoming beefs or being whipped away into the sky by the spout of a tornado. People already sell CDs stuffed with the sounds of whales for their calming qualities and cetaceans are relatively closely related to land-based herbivorous mammals such as cow-type beasts.

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