A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal


I legged it home from school tonight, after a pretty dreadful afternoon (not even going there because I will get annoyed once again at how despicable young people can be at times!), rushed to Asda, bought healthy food (including fruit, veggies and fresh fish) because I am determined that we are all going to be a bit healthier.

Then I went to give blood for the first time since I was at University, which sadly is a long long time ago! Had to wait for 45 minutes as I hadn't made an appointment. No problems on the little anaemia test - my blood is rich in iron (so that extra half a stone I am carrying around is actually the extra iron in my blood).

Initially no problems - the needle went in easily, but then my blood flow slowed right down, despite pumping my hand, because the needle was in a vein that shot off at an alarming angle. The male nurse (scouser, sang too me, was absolutely lovely) fiddled about with it, held it in place and kept fussing over me and when I was threatened with "one more alarm on the monitor and I have to take it down" we finally got the blood out of me, although I was nearly sick when he twisted the needle at one point to increase the flow. It took 25 minutes to get my 'not quite a pint' - everyone else seemed to be done in 5-10 minutes

Sat up afterwards, fainted!!!!

Big fuss - I was mortified and very confused, which made me cry, so then I was more embarassed. I had Mark (the male nurse) and another lovely nurse called Carolyn stood with screens round me, fanning me to keep me cool. Had to lie down with feet in the air for what seemed like an age.

And then, because I had fainted, I wasn't allowed a cup of tea and had to sit on the bench for 'special people' (i.e softies who faint) instead of being able to sit at the table with the tea drinkers. I did get two biscuits though.

Have been told that my arm is going to bruise because of all of the tinkering about with it. And it does hurt actually...never used too - wonder if I am just getting old.

All praise for the staff at the donor centre though - couldn't have been nicer, more helpful or more apologetic (my male nurse said that he had put the needle in badly and came back to apologise 4 times!)

Hey ho - it will give the kids something to talk about tomorrow when they see the bruise.

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