My Journey2


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There is no greater feeling to know that Hard work,and patience definitely pays off.

Taking the bold step into being a full time session musician was not easy,it was very fearful and worrying but its being going so well alot of doors have been opened that I never envisioned..Been able to travel,and still will be travelling..

I am also studying Studio Engineering which is also another added bonus to my CV,and hoping to enroll into the RNCM this coming September to pursue my Jazz Studies never ever give up on your dreams if you can,beleive when I say dreams do come thru but not by sitting on your ass only you can make your Dreams come alive.

Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly,and most importantly The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up

Thanks to one incredible person in my Life,without her support well lets just say some things would not be possible.


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