Add a dash of adventure..

By Melasaurus

Auckland, City of Sails and stunning blue skies

I disappeared from blipfoto for a while... But I'm back!

Since my last blip (nearly 5 months ago...?!? Wow!) I've moved from Edinburgh to the other side of the world. So it seems appropriate to start blipping again with a shot of my new home: Auckland. Which is also known as the City of Sails.. How beautifully poetic is that?

I think this might be my favourite view of Auckland that I've discovered so far - seen from Kelly Tarlton's, the aquarium. I was there this morning, so I snapped this whilst waiting for the bus back into town.

We've also been having stunning weather this autumn, though apparently it's highly unusual and the best autumn in living memory. I'm not complaining!!

I think I'll back-blip some of the photos that I've taken during my little break over the next week or so (if I get myself organised...).

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