Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Open Heart Surgery: Day 10

"I had you worried there".

Best large - because he's just so gorgeous and brave.

Today was good day though ironically, an emotional one. Perhaps an accumulation of feelings from having to be strong, I say having to be but that doesn't mean I always succeeded. When there's a lull, it's easier for the feelings to then spill over.

Reuben got out of bed, his growing collection of things being shipped out of the intensive care unit and onto the floor and we strolled over to the playroom with his oxygen tank in tow. Yesterday we'd been in awe over the Gold Medal Olympiads who visited the hospital, ironically Joanna Hayes whom I'd actually witnessed winning the 100m hurdle final in Athens 2004. Reuben was able to wear her medal along with the shiny gold one she made him. And today, we were treated to magic shows around a "campfire" under the rotunda stars. Quite magical. Callum especially was enthralled and Reuben, spent the day asking to go skiing.

And later, returning back to our room, a musician from UCLA's music school played classical keyboard outside Reuben's new room. The new room has its own private bathroom in this brand new hospital. Naturally, bathrooms aren't considered important in intensive care where most of the kids are on ventilators or bed bound.

So he's graduated from intensive care and his oxygen rate is down from 20 to 2 litres. Perhaps, finally, he is on his own home straight.

A beautiful surprise awaited me at home. Stunning pink roses, my favorite flowers, from Karen & Katie. You girls...

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