Come into the Garden

By aprecious

Mad dog & English woman out in the morning sun

I have many gold stars. I have so many gold stars I need another chart. I would like to wear my gold stars on my chest like a soldier so that one and all can tell what an amazing, terrifically well-behaved dog I am (don't get carried away, you weren't that amazing!)

I saw the sheep, I ignored the sheep.
I came back on the field with my frisbee.
I let aprecious play with the camera
I met Dave the Decorator and didn't put paw prints on his jeans (which is good because when he came to our house before to decorate the kitchen Charlie the cat pee'd on all his dust sheets. On the upside, he did say they'd never been so clean after we washed them.)
I didn't chase Harvey. I wanted to. I did not.

So, I am the star of the day. Do I get to take the Gerbil home from school? (I think this might have been a 1970s thing, taking the Gerbil home from school. Oh how I longed to take the Gerbil home and never did. Let's get the violins out, eh?)

I am chiefly putting up this shot because I like the ears and the tail - taken on the sports setting of my posh camera. It was also nice to see Dave the Decorator who I chatted to for 10 minutes very earnestly about deaths of dogs and people only to realise when I got back in that I was wearing both the orange frisbees - for there are two - on my head. Yes. I am at that age.

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