Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

April Challenge #20: something you drew

'Jnr Jnr' - 2011
Hollowspy (1974-present)
Acrylic on canvas

...well, something you painted in this case.

I have never been artistic in any form whatsoever, which is why I love to take photographs. It's the one creative thing I have ever been any good at. I do try other things though, and this was an effort to give painting a go last year.

I did cheat though. I took a photo of Jnr Jnr and did some threshold layers in Photoshop that, when printed out, gave this level of detail. I then copied it onto the postcard-sized canvas using black acrylic paint and the tiniest brush I could find, literally a hand-performed photocopy!! There was no way she'd have posed for that length of time and I needed a life-sized copy to work from to suit my brain; can't do sketching of real-life things well.

Regardless, I was really chuffed with the result, so much so I have not painted anything since as I know that was the pinnacle right there!

Actually - this was the second attempt - the first was a little off and she looked like Heath Ledger's Joker from the Dark Knight and evil.


An early Blip today as Jnr Jnr was up until 1am last night with a headache and fever. Calpol galore seems to have brought it under control and she has been a lot better in the last hour (so I am not that bad a dad for involving her with a quick pose here!), but we are both off school today as a result. Hopefully a 24 hour thing and she'll be right as rain tomorrow. Giving me a chance to recuperate some too.

Oh and yes of course it was B you brilliant scientists you :)

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