
On a cultural roll at the end of the week.

Got to see The Hunger Games last night and it was pretty great, helped in part by sitting on a huge leather sofa with my feet up at The Dominion in one of their gold screens.

Tonight it was a trip to the ballet to see A Streetcar Named Desire with my mum, a belated mother's day treat from me, her only dancing-and-prancing-loving child. Pretty spectacular staging and unsurprisingly wonderful dancing, classical ballet blended with the jazz age. It might have helped if I'd known the story a bit beforehand, there were a few moments where I wasn't 100% sure who was who but, you know, it was ballet, it didn't really matter.

Tonight, off to a play, The Lieutenant Of Inishmore, cheap £5 preview at The Lyceum. I know nowt about it, I'm going to keep it that way, element of surprise and all that.

Phew, all that culture leads me to music. Summat to close.

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