Red Squirrel


Shiny 'Shrooms

A busy day - I needed to go to the shops at Riverside lunchtime, then had a delivery of hay, straw and feed for my beloved Tom due between 5.30 and 6pm. Phew!
Fortunately I already knew what I wanted to blip today. So once Toms feedstuffs had been delivered I went straight to my dungheap. Although today's been a really gorgeous one - warm and sunny mostly with little wind - there have been a few showers, and one had finished just before I blipped - so I caught these cute little 'shrooms while they were still wet with rain.
I don't know what sort they are, and I'm only now about to sit down and eat dinner at 7:30 so I really have neither the time nor the inclination to try to find out - it's Friday, the weekend starts HERE and I have other things I'd rather do with my evening!
Have a great weekend blippers xx

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