Naming Days

By Leeleee

There's A Fire Inside Of You

Sooo interesting daaay.
Pretty good actully.
I was busing to down to meet Luu and Daa when I went past the Langham, a hotel in Auckland. Lets just say 100s of screaming girls outside at a very early hour of the morning. I got of the bus then and there and found my friend Natasha with a homemade Niall doll. Niall is 1/5th of the boy band 1 direction that you may hair girls between teh ages of about 12-24 obssessing over. It was an interesting sight. I stayed for a bit but nothing really happaned.
I then found Lucy and told her and we decided we needed to check back in and see vas happening..not much again, we missed out on them looking out the window.
Then we found Dana and convinced her to come up...been up and down q street twice by then.We found Amanda.
Then we looked around waited outside then found two reaally nice girls that took us up this building opposite the boys hotel. Floor 8.
We could see into the boys room...they wern't there though..
then we saw heaps of girls running and so we went down and followed and gueess who was out the front of the Langham..none other than 1d...:)
I got a photo them. them. ahfsiuhfis.
I don't love love love them but it was nice to see someone famous not on a youtube screen (;
We found Natasha again and went back up to our secret spot and could see harry eating hehe...
Then L+D and I went to vic park and tried to win tickets to their show...we got pretty far jus up with Laau, and Daawn and Alicee annd Bridget but the last 3 left.
The Jaade and Mikayla and us 6 got food then went back to Langham fangirling. D left then Zaayn came outside! He went and got a tatoo on K road turns out. L then left. We went to get food again then luucy left so there was just 3 of us :)
Got a ride home with J and ended up getting home and finding out the boys were at a park watching the league rigght by my house. my house :o
anyway too much too say..great day :)
i didn't reaaly take any good photos so i may aswell put this up (;

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