kick it

After a brief cool morning bike ride, I drove to DC to meet Bikermom, Diamond Lil and Rich at the funeral home.

Lil said she'd gotten up at 3am and told herself that life must go on. She was sure that she would have moments when she would come around the corner and expect to see Bob but that she would just have to keep going.

So today it was arrangements for cremation. No service - no church. Just a plain wood casket - cremation - and a white cardboard box. Lil said maybe in a month she'd get together with all his friends and family and spread his ashes.

Even with the bare bones treatment it is still exhorbitantly expensive to die in the US of A.

Later we went to lunch in Bethesda, then Rich and I helped Lil set up for tomorrow's bridge luncheon that Bob and Lil had volunteered to host at the bridge club.

In the evening E had a cross country meet at Sherando. He ran well with his new "spikes".

Life does seem to go on.

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