Diary of a Homeowner

By JennyWrenny

Challenge: Landscape

This is the best I could do today because I have no plans of going anywhere. Last night I stayed at aliellerb's and after a few glasses of wine we found ourselves singing along to Adele on Singstar. Colins2capture knows only too well my aversion to Adele. Being a fan of Metro FM he subjects me to her all day and my pleas to change the station to radio 4 fall on deaf ears. So maybe I was a bit more drunk last night than I thought I was. We're all a bit tired this morning, but I'm thankful that I don't have to go to a kid's birthday at the aquarium. Aliellerb I hope you're hanging in there. Anyway, this is the view from aliellerb's back bedroom. It was only a matter of time before I got some rapeseed fields in there.

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