Another Day, Another Cake

The practice cake I made last week didn't hit the spot with me, so today there's another one on the go; except that this is no practice one, this is the real thing.

It is described as a flourless chocolate and apricot cake with frosting.
Wish me luck. Should it fail, it will be gluten free digestive biscuits for the book group on Tuesday.

I was slumped in front of the television at 8:30 this morning in readiness for the London Marathon. The tune they play at the beginning of the transmission gives me goose bumps as I remember the nervousness and apprehension I felt as his Lordship and I lined up 3 times over the years at the Green start, the start for bus pass holders.
It's a long way round, I can tell you, but every step was worth the money we collected for charity, even if we had to walk down stairs backwards for days afterwards.

On the first occasion, and as a complete surprise to me, his Lordship, ever the romantic, swept me after the event to the Connaught Hotel in Mayfair, where after the meal, he proposed before telling me he had booked a suite for the night, with our belongings following on by taxi from our B&B in Blackheath.
I said yes, and have only very, very occasionally regretted my answer! ;)

But now I feel quite exhausted just watching the race.
Every dog has its day as they say.

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