Red Squirrel


Cascading ...

Whilst doing the regular Sunday dunging session earlier I could hear tumbling water, which meant only one thing - that the stream was up somewhat, and the cascades were flowing. So I disrupted the dunging (I don't need much excuse anyway! hehe) and investigated both cascades. Then, climbing down the rather steep bank by way of various tree branches as support (a practice I've managed to perfect over the years without - so far - ending up falling into the stream, lol) , I got down to the water's edge and started shooting some potential blips.
When I eventually uploaded the pics to my laptop and narrowed the shots down to just a few, choosing which to blip was a much harder job than climbing down the bank is!
I settled on this one simply because it came out looking as though it had been taken at night, and (to me at least) has a rather ethereal look to it.
Best viewed ENLARGED

I also really liked THIS CLOSE-UP from above with the red/brown leaves below the water. This one ALMOST became my blip ....

I loved this FRONTAL CLOSE-UP too.

And here's a SIDE VIEW.

It's great having a stream! lol

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