Red Flash

By RedFlash

Happy Birthday Fluffy Son

Milo is one today

What do you do when a dog has a birthday? You can buy dog birthday cakes but of course the rest of the family can't share it as they are made of substances such as peanut butter and bacon - yuk.

Thank you to davetherave1947 for Angie's birthday wishes

Milo's cake today was a square of dog food with a frankfurter for a candle - he seemed to like it.

For his birthday he had a new Frisbee that he can't destroy by chewing.

With two grown up children he is our little son and Mr Flash and I love him and all the special moments that he brings.

This photo is not cropped or altered in any way. He walked towards the camera as I lay on the grass.

I've been out of bed slightly longer today but I am still very ill.

Thank you for your well wishes.

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