
By strawhouse

Beautiful Weeds

During our week away our lawn seems to have grown about a foot and is now a riot of dandelions, daisies and forget-me-nots. Gorgeous!!!
Unfortunately we will be mowing it all down soon - or else we won't actually be able to get out of the back door!!
Quite a lazy Sunday today - a walk round the village to our friend's house so Miss E could pick up the cat. All week in Yorkshire she was asking "Can we go to Aunty S's house to pick up the cat?" For some reason she loves cats (I hate them!!) and she now wants us to move house so we live in a house which we own so we can have a pet. Ah, the joys of renting - no cats allowed!!!!
Anyway, after she picked up the cat for a bit we went to Tescos and had a lovely time shopping. As long as I'm in no hurry and have nothing else to do I love taking the Little Misses to the supermarket - they get so excited and have so much fun in the trolley. And out of the trolley and under it and pushing it and throwing things in it.... It's great having little slaves who love to run and fetch things!!!
We are now officially on an economy drive so it was a very frugal shop today. The best bargain of all was three packs of cauliflower cheese reduced to 9p each. Delicious with the Sunday roast I did tonight!!
I ate far too much Sunday roast and wedding cake (yes we're still plowing our way through it!!) and now I'm feeling quite unwell! I'm looking forward to getting back to healthy eating and the gym as the past week of gluttony has played havoc with my system. May have to dig out the Andrews tonight!!!!

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