Life Dancing

By lifedancing

Senor Drake

Chosen for all the wrong reasons, probably.

Great time up at Dunsapie Loch today. Lots of shots taken.

Still not managed decent shot of flying ducks. Got some...but not the one.

Missed great shot of swan seeing off "too close for comfort" chap.
The guy was trying to get close while his friend took a photo.
Talk about ruffling feathers! Swan took a peck at his leg - very funny, unfortunately the angle wasn't good for me.
Swan and chap all ok.

Lovely long solo walk over the hills in bright sunshine but cool wind.
Enjoyable to have a moment to meditate on work, upcoming projects, life's absurdities and how to avoid things that whittle away at the soul.

Stopped in later on lovely artist friend for tea, sweet sticky cake and musings on life and work.
Great excitement as they revealed new lens for their camera.

Have put a few recent bird shots HERE
Blip madness is turning me into a Birdwatcher!!!
That would have been beyond my wildest imaginings some months ago.

If you haven't seen it yet, check out the incredible film by Ian Ruhter
" Silver and Light - a return to wet plate printing"

Blip Blog

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