All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Hospital food

I had another unsettled night with Ethan. I'd hoped with him being so late to sleep last night that he'd sleep better and later. But he was awake several times during the night and was very vocal about the fact the wasn't happy!

He asked for some juice - I only had water by the bed so gave him that, which he'd normally be happy with. However he spat it out in disgust and then had a meltdown about the fact his PJs were wet and he took them off! So I had to try to find a spare for him (Mum & Dad had bought in spare clothes yesterday) and get them on him, then ask the nurse to get him some juice. He tanked that down, then demanded a bottle of milk too! I eventually got him back off to sleep only for him to wake for the day at 5.45am. Another meltdown ensued when he asked to go to play with the toys in the playroom and was told no he wasn't allowed. So hard to keep him entertained quietly at that time of the morning on a hospital ward. I read him some books, took him over to the window to watch the cars coming and going and eventually spotted some felt tip pens and a colouring in book so persuaded him to sit down and do some colouring in. Unfortunately we did wake up the wee girl and her Mum on the ward too but they were very good about it.

He was charging around this morning and his temperature is back to normal, although he still doesn't have an appetite. He requested weetabix for breakfast which he had about 4 spoonfuls of before announcing "not nice" and refusing any more!

Thankfully he was discharged just before lunchtime - I think I would have gone stir crazy if we'd had to stay much longer!

He's so much more lively today than he was yesterday. But only had a spoonfuls of tomato soup and a nibble of easter egg once we got home and for dinner had a few bites of hubbies taglietelle. He got very upset after his shower and refused to let hubbie sit on the bed with him while he had his milk (which is the usual routine). He kept crying and hitting hubbie and basically telling him to go away cos he wanted mummy to read him a story.

So he is a lot better than yesterday, but needs to get his appetite back soon and we still don't really know what was wrong. The throat swabs which were taken yesterday take a few days to get the results back and they'll send them to our GP. Guess we'll only find out ourselves if they decide he needs antibiotics or something. And we're not sure whether he'll be fit for nursery tomorrow or even if they'll let him go in after his hospital stay since we don't know what the problem was. Guess we'll find out tomorrow!

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