
By RedCoatedBirder

Blue-winged Teal (Male)

Never seen a drake Blue-winged Teal before. We did travel down to Dorset (from Hertfordshire) last December for a female, so when one was reported in Clyde I was tempted to travel from Perth, but it didn't really fit in with our other plans, so we didn't and then it stopped being reported. Then yesterday one turned up in Perthshire at Levenmouth Pools, so off we trotted today and although he was prone to play hide and seek behind islands and in inlets we got some nice views. I wonder if it was actually the Clyde bird that had come up our way. Nice of it if it was, saved a lot of time & petrol.

Also on Loch Leven there was an adult Ross's Goose and we saw our first Willow Warbler and Swallow of the year. That's the year list up to 142, it's ticking up nicely with the arrival of the summer migrants.

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