Pink Bicycle Girl

By angelahen

All things bright and green!

I don't think the photo really captures the wonderful bright green of the under growth in the woods which is a shame. Take my word, the woods look fantastic at the moment. They certainly look a bit different to a few months ago. The woods is mainly an avenue of large Wellingtonias, which dominate the southern arm of the wood (planted between 1859 and 1861). It is almost the only area of mature woodland in the City of Peterborough south of the River Nene, and I think it is the longest avenue of Wellingtonias in Europe. The Wood was planted out as a landscaped park associated with nearby Orton Hall - now a hotel. I am very lucky to live so close to these woods and its a great treat to walk Tallulah there every day.

Apart from a quick snap shot this evening its been a busy day - signed on, interviewed a couple of potential new teachers for the school I am governor at, wrapped all my ebay sales. Does not sound like much but it kept me busy all day! Post office tomorrow!

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