
With the dusting and the hoovering accomplished early, and the book group cake 'frosted' with melange of dark chocolate and creme fraiche,* his Lordship and I intended to walk down the Royal Mile to the Queen's Gallery at Holyrood Palace and return by Holyrood Park.

We made it part way down the High Street before the rain started and his Lordship called it a day, suggesting a return to the Museum.

I admit to being surprised as to how intolerant he was of the weather given that tomorrow, the day for the hills, it doesn't matter how hard it is raining before the start, he would never consider cancelling the experience of getting soaked for four or five hours.

And so it was that the museum got our custom for the obligatory coffee and then a wander round some of the galleries.
To me, it is a very confusing place with the new extension in tandem with the refurbished old part, and we seemed to spend a lot of time going up in lifts to floors we didn't want and then retreating down stairs in some confusion.
Too late did we pick up a map.

His Lordship was kind enough to follow my instruction of walking through the cloisters of Parliament Square to give me a blip. On many an occasion have I stood and waited for someone to oblige, but to no avail.

* The saying, 'a moment on the tongue, two hours in the stomach and a life time on the hips' instantly springs to mind. I will surreptitiously give myself a smaller slice than anyone else. ;)

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