Scavenger Hunt

Yesterday I realized how bored my students must be. I wouldn't be able to sit in the same classroom, day after day, listening to someone speak. Last night I created an elaborate, 10-clue scavenger hunt for the kids to do today. Each clue had to do with something we've learned about-- which led to other clues. The winning team got chocolate bars and a can of Coke.

Sample Questions:

*Where did Lucy and Mr. Tumnus meet? (the lamppost)
*What could Clyde "Sweetfeet" Livingston use? (a baseball bat)
*______douby (a last name of a kid in my class, starts with sand, so they would need to go to the sandpit at the long jump pit for their next clue)
*What was a recurring number in the fairy tale, "Ashenputtle?" (3, then they needed to run 3 laps around the track)

Highly enjoyable!

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