Webb London Marathon

By Astonwebbo

Villa Till I Die!!!

I apologise as once again my blip is villa orientated! As I come close to the end of my blip it is no surprise to people who know me that villa have featured heavily throughout! I have been a villa season ticket holder since 1994 and I bloody love it when they win!

However this season highlights have been few and far between, tonight does not need to be a highlight, tonight we are playing Bolton at home, no disrespect to Bolton but it will never be considered a highlight beating Bolton at home!

Tonight needs to be an attacking, fast paced fight! We have to take the game to them, we have to show that relegation talk has no place at villa park! We have to win!!

I predict a very nervy 1 1 draw tonight, I hope I am wrong and we storm to victory! All I can guarantee is it will be a nervy night for villa, Bolton, Chelsea and Barcelona fans!

This is squeaky bum time!!

Av fun xx

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