Ways Of Seeing

By dollyfish

P..p..p..pick up a penguin

Apparently, these penguins, who were born of Kinder eggs, are a bit collectible. All I know, is that they are bloody uncomfortable to stand on (second only to lego) and I just want rid of them. So I was just about to flog them on ebay when I came across "P..p..p..pick up a penguin.com" - the site for lonely penguins who want to find that someone special to share life with. If you were a lonely female penguin, who would you choose? We have...(left to right)...

You can find Henry down the pub most nights where he likes to play darts with his mates. Copious amounts of booze means he can't actually walk straight and is looking for that special someone to lean on. His favourite food is fish.

Mr. P
If you were ever a fan of the A-team, Mr. P is the one for you. He has memorised every single episode of the A-team and loves to charm you with constant quotes from the much loved show. Unfortunately, several years of wearing heavy gold necklaces has resulted in a permanent neck injury.

Founder of Penguin books (yes, that's him on the logo!), Asquith is no stranger to success. He has an impressive 9 bedroomed 3 storey igloo but no-one to share it with...could you be the one? Puffins needn't apply.

Gerald doesn't really want to be here at all. He loved life inside that kinder egg and is unsure about the big cruel world out there. Anyone?

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