Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Stuff on my baby

Today's blip is Neil seeing how many blocks he could rest on Henry's head before he realised and shook them off - for some reason they both like this game!

I was meant to go to a teaching session on spirometry this afternoon but as I did a lot of it during my 6 months of respiratory medicine, and I'm having some issues with breastfeeding I went to the baby clinic instead to get Henry weighed and have a chat with the health visitor.

It wasn't raining too much when I left so I took him in the sling as there is no parking around the children's centre, but within 5 minutes the heavens had opened and I was very soggy by the time we got there. Henry was well protected under a waterproof baby wearing cover and umbrella - he loved the umbrella and spent the whole way there staring at it and talking to it!

He's dropped a little off the 50th percentile but that's probably due to him catching a different cold every week since we started his nursery settling in sessions and when he's ill he goes off solids for a couple of days.

His sleeping is still rubbish but as time goes on I'm convinced it's developmental - last night he spent 2.5hrs trying to sit up in a semi-awake state then getting stuck and frustrated and crying. I was very tired and enjoyed my morning nap, I'm dreading work tomorrow though because I'm on call and it's been so busy this week.

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