
By astudyinscarlet

i feel the need...

...the need for speed!

no, this isn't a mig (tho it was right behind me as i took this). in fact, i can't remember what it is, sorry, but it's in the military hangar of the museum of flight at east fortune airfield and is being blipped as the pic i took of the mig was a bit rubbish. standing in front of the mig, dad and i were both thinking about 'top gun', a film we have watched probly a dozen times. my mother, on the other hand, was becoming more convinced by the minute that she never wants to get in a plane again, despite the fact she is interested in seeing 'em on the ground and in the sky.

yep, i'm back in edinburgh - if you want to see what i've been doing this past few days, start right here (and the day before that isn't bad either, if you didn't see it).

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