Red Flash

By RedFlash

Trapped Again

I never made it to work.

I'd been up most of the night feeling ill so I snuggled down in bed most of the day.

Thank you all for your kind words of concern. I'm more ill than I realised.

When you can't go out if you have to blip something indoors.

This is a glass heart shaped paper weight that I bought from a craft fair somewhere. It was at the end of a holiday and I persuaded Mr Flash to go there before we travelled home.

I was determined to buy simething and this was it.

It sits on my bedroom window so I haven'travelled far to blip today

If you read the blip where Milo had an allergy test taken, we now know the results.

He is allergic to Turkey, Chicken and Lamb ie everything that we feed him. The vet has ordered him some different food and I will be giving all of his food away to a dog's home.

Lets hope that this helps and he stops scratching

PS My marbles hit the spotlight - must find some more - this could become a new theme

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