This life thing...

By mrpin

The National Gallery, London

A day in London with Mum, Dad, Simon and Ben before heading off again. In the afternoon Mum and I went to the Lucien Freud exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery. An awesome show, from his earliest work to a piece he was working on the day before he died last summer. I've looked at/copied his paintings so much over the years it was like seeing old friends on the wall. He's a truly incredible artist.

Got the train back home and forgot my bag on the luggage rack. The train went to Ipswich and back before the guy at the station grabbed it off for me. Unfortunately my Ipod, camera (not the pinhole), and postcards from the Freud exhibition were taken out somewhere along the line. Whoever took them left the 2 apples, 1 pear and cheese sandwich also in the bag. Reporting it to the British Transport Police I think we are after a music art loving thief with an intolerance to wheat...the hunt continues - please pass any information this way.

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