A time for every purpose

By everyseason


We had some evening visitors. We were sitting on the couch and I was actually enjoying how..fall..it felt for the first time this year. I'm usually not a big fan of fall but tonight Nathan cooked dinner and we were watching TV on the couch and fighting over the blanket and it was just nice
We heard a knock on the door, (hid the extra doggie) and met our across-the-street neighbor and his 5 year old son. I said hi, and kindergarten man shoved a cookie order form in my hand and ran in the house. He promptly ran through the kitchen, attacked the fishtank and almost cut a finger off with the dog nail clippers. His dad was at one point actually holding him by his head while he rocked back and forth on our chair--while Dad talked about his high blood pressure. It was a fun break in the evening and just made me want kids even more.

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