splf...my story

By uknowme

New Life

Isn't it amazing? New Life! Animals, people... or even pumpkin seeds!! It is amazing to see it break through what must be heavy soil to see its first sunlight and experience the freshness of the air.

I have tried to grow pumpkins for years. I wanna be the pumkin patch of our street!!! Tried being the key word here. Don't know if I plant too late, if it is the soil at our house or just my not so green thumb. This year I've taken yet another approach. Started some seeds in a pot (that's the photo) and planted in a couple garden spots, each with different sun exposure. And they're in the ground a month early. Yes there is the risk of Colorado frost...but I'm going for it.

I can get'em to sprout. Looking forward to the Halloween pic of our home grown jack-o-lantern. MAYBE THIS YEAR!!!

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