
By nate29482


Pretty slow day, didn't wake up until 2ish and then I jogged some. Later I helped Chiara move a few things and then I watched the Bears game. I won 2 of my 3 bets so I won exactly $201 on the game - yippie. If I add in my winnings from the cubs yesterday, it almost completely justifies my purchases I'm making tomorrow =)

Also played Zelda with Matt, he was a big help and it was nice to direct him on where to go since navigating the map has become tiresome. We also did Legs and Back which I like, but I hate because I'm also so sore the next day and it's hard for me to run then =(

Good lazy day. Oh my blip is another last minute 11:55pm type of picture. It's of my push up bars, if you don't have any I HIGHLY recommend them. For one it allows you go to deeper in a pushup, but more importantly for me it completely saves my wrists from any pain or stress (somehow).

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