Into The Unknown

By lindastuff

Josua's graffiti

The Blip meet-up in Winchester today was great and we all had a good hour in the Cathedral capturing our blip for today. It was really good to put faces to names and meet everyone.
Well, looking at everyone's amazing cameras it was clear that there will be some amazing shots of Anthony Gormley's sculpture in the Crypt etc, etc.
It is quite extraordinary being able to walk right under the Cathedral but the light wasn't good enough for my camera. Excuses, excuses!
However, through years of sitting in the Cathedral for various reasons I have always been intrigued by the ancient graffiti that can be seen carved into the columns and wood.They give you a real sense of history and an acute feeling that you are standing in someone else's footsteps.
I particularly like the old decorative script here by Josua Myddleton carefully carved in 1578 !!!!
We are so lucky having such a beautiful place right on our doorstep.
Hello to all you friendly Blippers who I met today - see you again I hope.

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