jez' pics

By snappinjez

Made it...!

A whole year of my life in photos. It's been a blast, and that's pretty much down to you guys. Cheers!

After all the teasers of the last few days, no animals were interested in being in todays blip, but in true spirit of blipfoto (sharing everyday life) I can now proudly display to you all one weeks worth of dirty washing thats waiting for our new washing machine to arrive so it can be cleaned, (it's a little bit worrying how excited we both were when the old broke down and the prospect of a trip to John Lewis to buy a new machine dawned...).
I did however manage to get myself in (bottom left of pic) these socks are clean!

I have a day of house work and cooking ahead of me, but it's all good 'cos Mary's home this evening :)

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