
By AprilJane

Orrible Aribo

I have the misfortune of knowing how Haribo is made, and therefore I hate it with a passion.

I also have a theory that if something has a sell by date that is more than a month away, it is too repulsive for even mould to be interested in, therefore humans shouldn't be either. I don't think Haribo even has a sell by date. Mould turns up it's nose at it. Only one of my children buys into these theories with me, and whilst I never buy Haribo for the other one, even I can't bring myself to be witchy enough to say he can't eat it when he gets given it at a party. (I just secretly throw it in the bin and if he remembers it, pretend I can't..........)

I didn't do much today apart from the piles and piles of washing and ironing that I've been avoiding for some time. Chris took the children swimming in the morning. In the afternoon Al had a party and Chris took Betsy to the park for a Softball session. I indulged myself whilst they were out by watching a Jack Black movie and doing some crochet on the baby blanket for the imminent arrival :)

Al's party was his first go at Quasar (if I'm getting that right) and he absolutely loved it, and apparently, was something of a crack shot.

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