Nesssaintee's World

By nesssaintee

Another Sunday, another moon

Last night was beautiful under the stars
Looked at so many things thru my cat and wished i could share it
Mars, Saturn (could see Titan too), stayed out so late I could see Deneb in my eastern sky, Deneb is the eye of Cygnus the swan and without doubt the most beautiful double star in the night sky, gorgeous in binoculars, awesome through a scope, we are talking a bluey green and a yellow gold here, depends on conditions.
Tried so hard to capture it, but failed miserably :-(
Last nights sky was fantastic here, it was a case of make hay while the sun shines.
I know that doesn't sound right, but you know what I mean
Today was a glorious sunny day and I went to my retreat again to ponder and dream.
Took many pics, fed the ducks, and realise why the duck I blipped last Sunday was beaming, proud father isnt he :-)
Family pic on the link below
Also saw this
Don't know what it is, but lovely flowers
But the weekend ends here I guess and my thoughts are halfway back at work, a place where I am not really wanted and made to feel like an outsider.
Find that hard to understand, just there to make a living, thats what work is all about isn't it?
Skye next week, the very top bit, no mobile phone comms, very isolated, hey ho
The looney toons carry on regardless
Lovely moon tonight, bit hazier than last night though.
Hope you've all had a good weekend and have a brilliant week ahead of you

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