Shadow dancing up now?!! This is actual sunlight.

Lately sleep has eluded me. Too much and too little on the mind simultaneously. Last night hopefully saw an end to it, at the very least it was a much needed break in the long run of four hour rubbish sleeps. I had invited our good friend Grant round to join us in our end-of-garden-sorting-and-start-of-new-fence-building day. I had promised food, wine and entertaining company (ha ha) around the chimnea outside.

Instead he got me moaning about my lack of sleep/feelings of anxiety and my suspicions (and this was all in great detail as to why) that my thyroid had a lot to do with this. Then I decided that it was too cold to sit outside. I did provide food (or tapas as Kevin kindly described my array of easily prepared snacks) and wine. I ordered everyone to gulp down the wine (John wasn't included in this part) so we could all go out on the neighbourhood grassy bit and play football before it got dark. So we all ran around like lunatics (ok..........that was just me) screaming for the ball and pushing over my son (that's tackling in my book), until I declared that the wine had fizzed up in my stomach too much and it was making me feel sick.

We went in and John put on his dvd (Johnny English, reborn) which he's seen several times and thinks is hilarious. We all ended up watching it. Half way through I went upstairs to go to the toilet and ended up in bed without telling anyone my plans. I slept until 8.30am.

Fabulous......................but I am sorry Grant. I'm not exactly the hostess with the mostest.

Today has been quite uplifting too. Although our trip to the Commie pool was utter shite. The changing rooms had really dirty floors and the pool was FREEZING. I mean............c'mon..............this is Scotland. We don't go to pools in this country to cool down. We go to pools on days where the weather is too shite to do anything else. I certainly don't want to spend money and time in a place that's exactly the same temperature as a swimsuit.

Then we went to my sister's and watched old(ish) film of the kids when they little. Aaawwwww. How time flies..................and that is probably the real reason I can't sleep. That and other non specific nonsense.


Oh oh oh..................I meant to say.........yesterday our boys had the MOST exciting game of football. The first half was played well but they were down 5(!!!!!!!!) - 0 by half time. I could feel optimism coarsing through my body though so I started shouting very loudly (along with one other very game mum) lots of encouraging things. It's hilarious as neither of us really has a clue about football. At one point Jenny actually shouted "C'mon chaps..........put it on"!!!!!! (I couldn't stop laughing.........'put it on)'????? Anyway I saw my boy with the ball approaching the goals. I started screaming "C'mon run RUN......YOU CAN DO IT"!!!!! and he scored!! The first goal of the game for our Foxy boys. Then encouraged they went on to score 3 more goals, with 2 really close shots. I think the Foxy parents are the loudest and shoutiest a good way.

If you're going to lose............lose like they did. Utterly brilliant!!

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