bee restful...

...on the rose bush

on a sunday afternoon... like you're supposed to be... except that i'm not sure this is a bee... is it? there are so many different kinds of bees - that i've seen since being on blip... i find myself confused -

i always thought in simple terms... bumble bee! but nope... now i find we've got: bumble, honey, carpenter, ground, wasp, hover, yellow jacket, killer... whew - i think there are about 2,000 different varieties of bees (i'm making that up... 'cuz i don't really know - it just sounded like a nice round number)...

ooh - ooh... and then into the mix come flies! that truly confuses me... 'cuz this could really be a fly and not a bee at all... even though it appears to be a bee - has the same body type, same coloring, same fuzzy sort of hair... as a bee - you know what i'm sayin'? you have to be an insect specialist - which clearly i'm not - to identify them all...

all i know for sure, is i went out looking to see if my rose bushes were going to bloom... were there buds? there are! yay... the landlord didn't destroy the bushes after all... happy skippy dance! and there resting away on a leaf was this little critter - so we both had...


happy day.....

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