My topsy-turvy life

By Rathmandu


Getting ready to go to work this morning I noticed the phalanx clowder (I just looked it up) of cats trying to shelter from the drizzle under the willow-esque tree in the garden. Not the place I'd choose to get out of the rain if I'm honest but it must be quite pleasant under there, it's certainly popular at any rate.

I actually took this from the window with my little compact and got this dirty curious look wondering what in the hell I was doing. We have 2 or 3 cats around here but this isn't Duncan or Laura's favourite Bogbrush (a story for another time) and so doesn't have a name yet, not given by us anyway.

Rubbish day at work, the useless piece of junk analyser is still broken so I'll have lots of wee to do tomorrow. Anyway off to see Wuthering Heights tonight at the Gatehouse and so I can have a beer while I watch the film too.

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