
By NickMog


Fartlek is a Scandinavian technique for running training. The idea is to alternate periods of "effort" with rest times during which you run slowly to recover. In theory, this helps with your speed, stamina and recovery times.

Joined in with a 7 mile session today. The second best thing about Fartlek is that, by making you concentrate on a few minutes of effort at a time, it breaks up what might otherwise beca daunting run. I would never set out to run 7 miles on my own but, as part of a Fartlek session, it seems much more manageable. Of course, the best thing about Fartlek is that it has "fart" in it...

The picture? It's... Wait a minute, what do you see in it? Just tell me what comes into your mind...

Really? That's really what you see? You are sick! You are just disgusting! Oh! That is just horrible!

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