Snippets of Life

By betho

Aubergine delight

That's what i call it. So good.

Layers of aubergine and rich tomato sauce and mozerrella baked to perfection with couscous on the side. We nearly died it was so wonderful.

When you've done nothing all day except work on a silly assigment and yet still not really get anywhere and not really understand it any more than you ever did, on days like these it is essential to have something fabulous for dinner.

The rest of the day was a bit of a fail too. Sarah and Chlo were going to the library and not wanting to be left alone at home to faff about i decided to go too and be productive. Except that i forgot all my notes and important bits of paper. So i had to go home again, in the rain, only to realised i had also forgotten my keys. I couldn't bring myself to trudge all the way back to the library to i went to Dave's as it is nearby. Him and Rach were there and were lovely and gave me tea and we had a very lovely hour or two so though i got no work done it did have its brighter side....

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