Ways Of Seeing

By dollyfish

The perils of clay cat model making

Here is my cat, Mr. Cat.

Ha! Gotcha! It's not the real Mr. Cat at all, it's a clay model version that my son made yesterday. I know, the likeness is uncanny. In fact earlier on, I tried to resuscitate him before I realised the real Mr. Cat was still curled up on my bed in the same position as he was 6 hours ago...oh hang on! It's ok, the real Mr. Cat is alive too.

However, my son was very upset about clay Mr. Cat for two reasons:

1. Clay Mr. Cat had been decapitated. I'm not sure exactly what happened, but it involved a door. He tried to explain but was sobbing too much to make any sense.

2. My son painted him black with white spots 'by accident', instead of white with black spots. I think he found this even more upsetting than the headless issue to be honest.

However! I am bloody super mum I am! I have reunited Mr. Cat and his head, with the magic that is Superglue. And I pressed a nifty little button labelled "invert colours" which shows this photo of clay Mr. Cat in his true colours. Ta-da and hey bloody presto!

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