The wonders of the web

Much better viewed *large* - hopefully!

I sat on the front bench in dappled sunlight, looked to my right & saw this:

A web & blossom

Took me a while to get that above image correct. Then I realised how beautiful the web looked, glistening rainbows in it's strands... so, I tried my best to get some shots, the more I focused, the more colours came through & the more patterns danced before my very lens.

As you might realise it was incredibly difficult to pick just one!

Loved this one

And this one

And this

And this one too

Virtually impossible! But virtually incredible, I so love this macro lens of mine, it's so versatile, it can do standard, it can also do patterned abstract beauties of colour, light & pattern... it's certainly the lens for me! :)

As for himself - BIG NEWS - his chicks have fledged:

Diving for a worm

It's my local towns Mayfair celebrations tomorrow, the crowning of the May Queen, the dancing around the May pole by the local school children & guess what....? It's going to bucket down tomorrow, it ALWAYS rains for the Mayfair, it's so unfair! So I won't be there!!! :) xxx

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