Specks Appeal

By REDMarmalade

Super Crunchy Rocky Road Squares

I just wanted to start today's blip with a thank you to all my fellow blippers. I've been so moved by all your lovely comments. My Grunny was such a special person, and its going to take some getting used to not being able to pick up the phone for a blether or jump in the car and go visit her. When you've pretty much seen someone every week for your whole life it's very upsetting when you can no longer do it.

Anyway, as you may be able to sense, I'm rather low today. So what better way to try and cheer myself up, than by making my fantastic Rocky Road. I added sultana's and peanuts to today's mixture, & iv got to say, YUMMO! Had initially panicked when I noticed I only had 21g of marshmallows as opposed to 100g! Quick rummage and voila! Super crunchy Rocky Road squares. Night night.

REDMarmalade xxx

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